St. John’s provides a rich, meaningful, well-rounded education to each student in grades K-8.

At St. John’s School, our classes combine multiple grade levels with a small student-to-teacher ratio that facilitates the positive aspects of both community learning and individual independent learning. Our academics emphasize a strong ELA and math core without sacrificing the other important subjects that round out a broad, quality educational experience.

K-1 Literacy and History

Our goal for our youngest students is to teach them to become proficient readers and transition them from "learning to read" to "reading to learn". For our youngest students, we rely on time-tested phonics instruction supplemented with a variety of engaging, experiential activities to solidify their learning. As our students progress through the lower grades, they are able to read independently and often above their grade level. We model writing in the youngest grades by narration, dictation, and reading aloud from great books. As writing proficiency develops, formal writing instruction begins. Our students are introduced to history and geography starting in kindergarten. Our multi-grade classroom cycles through different thematic units each year that are literature-rich and have activities and projects that accompany the current year's content. These lessons are the beginning of a school career that embraces a love of learning.

2nd-3rd, 4th-6th Literacy and History

In 2nd-5th grade, the literacy focus is helping students acquire the tools of our language to become great writers and effective communicators. Teaching Ancient History and U.S. History serve as the springboard for introducing poetry, art, and historical fiction from these eras. Historical and fictional persons are examined with the purpose of finding character traits worthy of imitation and those which should be avoided. In 6th-8th grade, students dive deeper into previously studied time periods. Historical fiction from each period studied continues to complement the curriculum. Additionally, several literature classics of various genres are studied.

K-8 Math

In our K-2 classroom, students are introduced to math using Saxon Math 1, 2 and 3. The curriculum is supplemented with Montessori developed materials and fun manipulatives. As students transition to 3rd grade, math instruction using the Saxon Intermediate 4 textbook begins. Our goal is to have our 8th grade students spend their year studying algebra, so when they leave St. John’s they will be ready to take honors-level high school math.

Science & Technology

Science instruction uses a unit study approach at the elementary level to introduce students to earth and space, life, and physical science. God is glorified as the wonder of His ordered universe is explored. Students use a hands-on approach to learn experimentation, observation skills, and the scientific method. In a typical year, three unit studies are taught in the different science disciplines. The Science and Technology for Children (STC) Kits are used throughout the grade levels K-5 as well as other supplementary units. Middle School students cycle through the three disciplines spending a year on each.

Music and Art

Music and art are an important part of our faith and our students' education. Teachers integrate songs and art projects into academic subjects. Also, students receive up to an hour per week of separate instruction in these subjects.
